Nov 8, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Nov 8, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

PRESENT – Jessica Murr (Pres), Seanna Bezehertny (Past Pres), Chris Jozefowicz (Sec),
Tamuna Loladze (Tres), Colleen Conley, Laura Wheeler, Kate Kolb, Adam Loewy, Diane
Downs, Kristin Wingfeld, Amber Fox-Young, Kent Klarer, John Scruton
ABSENT – Debbie Woods, Caroline Taylor, Matt Banker

  • Strategic Plan Presentation (Kevin & Mike from Goetz & Associates Consulting)
    • Overview of Strategic Plan
    • Overview Fund Dev Plan, importance of individual giving (donor-centric). Doesn’t include what will come from fundraising committee. Want to put all fundraising plans onto calendar.
    • Discuss 3-yr budget predictions.


  • Board Discussion and Strategic Plan Vote
    • Need to ensure committees are working as envisioned before investing in development person or other staff.  Need time, maybe 1 year to see. Mike Goetz has sent proposal. Board would like to wait until ready and then conduct wider search process.
    • Down-the-road cost consideration: new home.
    • Plan needs to be updated and corrected.
    • Plan agreed to. All present vote yes, pending updates and corrections.


  • President’s Update (Jessica)
    • Committee work is ongoing.
    • Kent is joining the board.
    • All merchendise will be under board control. Kate Kolb is Merch Committee chair. Sherry Rudolph is merch coordinator.


  • Finance/Business Manager Report (Jessica for Caroline)
    • Goal: getting LLP in position to pay an eventual “Diane-replacement” market rate salary. Proposal to increase Diane’s salary by 10K this year which is already in budget.
    • Vote to approve salary increase today. All present vote yes. Passed and effective Nov 1 2018.


  • Committee Updates
    • PR (Adam) VIA Studio can use remaining hours on Media & Communications plan. Content will come from teachers. Contact Billy Hardison for promotion ideas. Want actions done by early Dec. Idea from Laura: promote group with survey/timeline on web.
    • Development (Kristin) One meeting so far, still brainstorming. Awaiting development director plans.
    • Stakeholder (Laura) Two meetings so far. Parent involvement: making group text system and avenue for email concerns/questions/comments. Party? Service projects with kids/parents with smaller groups 10-12 kids, Child Hosp, Gilda’s Club, West End Boys club, food drive. Compile parent talents, then try to recruit parents for more volunteer help. Do recording/videos after Big Gig. Bonnaroo contacts.
    • Merchendise (Kate) Sherry donating drawstring backpacks for kids.  LLP purchasing some extra to sell.
    • Executive (Jessica) Paper mailer goes to 2200 households, too low. Need to send electronically to email list. Use Mailchimp to improve email list. Teachers’ Wishlists: building wifi, iPads, apps, printer, Bluetooth speaker, projector & screen, dry erase board. Should we query parents?


  • Discussion/Ideas
    • Caroline and Kent discussing ads for big gig program.
    • Put meeting minutes on parent portal of website.


  • Future Meetings: Jan 10, March 14, May 9     6:15-7:30pm (at rehearsal space)